Inspiration 21

Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in sanctification of the Spirit, for obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace to you and peace be multiplied. (1 Pet 1:2; emp added).  God is in three Persons but is One God; we have God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. We must think of God as the “Trinity in Unity.” In the creation of the world, the three Persons of the Godhead, in unity, played distinct roles. God the Father began the creation with His Word, later revealed as Jesus Christ, God the Son. His Spirit, God the Holy Spirit, hovered over the face of the waters on earth. The pattern was the same in the new creation, the re-creating of sinful man in Christ. God the Father elected those to be created, and God the Son created them in His blood. God, the Holy Spirit, sanctifies them for obedience to Christ. The Triune God operates in a loving relationship with One another in the united Godhead, and this love is seen within the new creation. God the Father chose to save humanity out of love. God the Son, in love with His Father, gave His life to save humanity. The Holy Spirit came to dwell in the saved in love to glorify Jesus by His sanctifying work in them.     

        Human salvation is a very costly and painful undertaking graciously given from Heaven, involving every member of the Godhead. Only riches from the celestial plane could afford this undertaking. Therefore, it would be the height of ingratitude and irreverence for anyone to refuse such a great salvation. How shall anyone escape if they neglect it? (Heb 2:3). You have been saved at a heavenly price and are equipped to live as a citizen of Heaven. Therefore, live for the righteous life of Heaven and not for the sinful life of the earth.

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