Inspiration 20

“Because You have been my help, therefore in the shadow of Your wings, I will rejoice.” (Ps 63: 7). When you are in crisis, you don’t run to hide; you run to get help. God, Himself is our help. He is there to help to encourage us and give us the strength to carry on. Not only that, but He also helps us in battle and fights on our behalf. The Psalmist uses the imagery of the protective wings of a mother hen over little chicks to demonstrate the protection that God gives us. When the battle gets so fierce and the enemies so intimidating, we must run to God. When we run into ourselves, we allow self-doubt and self-pity to overwhelm us. However, we will discover new strength and encouragement from the Lord when we pray. Prayer brings us into the presence of the Lord.

In the presence of the Lord, we talk to Him about the things bothering us. Prayer that connects with the Lord must be honest and heartfelt; it should not be pretentious. We run to the Lord when we read the Bible and study His voice. In the Scriptures, we hear what God is saying. We listen to what He said to people in situations like ours. We run to the Lord when we fellowship with other believers. Fellowshipping with other believers connects us to the gifts in the body of Christ. There, we receive strength from those who share our faith.

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