Inspiration 100

Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you as I said to Moses. (Josh 1: 3). God’s commission to Joshua was very clear. He had to lead God’s people into the land that was promised to their ancestors. The nation had waited to enter the land for so long, and now the moment for taking the land had come. However, Joshua was not going to take the land by staying. He had to take the land by moving. Joshua had to move from where he was to the land of promise. The size of land he could take would be determined by where he planted the sole of his feet. God made Joshua responsible for his victory. In a sense, the Lord gave Israel an open cheque to fill in the amount they wanted. How far can you go with God? Like Joshua, the Lord has also given us an open invitation to open our mouths as wide, as we can for Him to fill it. The more we know the Lord, the more we desire to know Him. The more He gives to us, the more He has to give to us.

I.             Don’t underestimate what God can do with you.

For one reason or the other, people tend to think they do not have any great destiny in life. They can see other people doing extraordinary things for God but find it difficult to see themselves doing those things. They underestimate what God can do through them and exclude themselves from anything extraordinary.

II.         Match your desires with God’s riches in glory.

Don’t limit yourself to what you have or what others can give you. Include God in your demand and supply equation.  Is your demand bigger than God’s supply? Is your need greater than God’s grace ? Is your problem higher than the name of Jesus? When you factor God in the equation, it throws the limits off your expectations.  It changes your game plan. It opens doors of possibilities.  Even though the resources available to you are limited, God’s resources are not limited. What God does today is not the end of what He can do for you. Believe for more. Go for more. Pray for more. Expect more.

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