Inspiration 96

Now in the sixth month, the Angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. (Lk 1:26 -27). Just as he had announced the birth of John the Baptist, angel Gabriel announced the birth of Jesus. This announcement showed the unique significance of the Child to be born. There are some things to note in the passage.

      I.            “In the sixth month.”

The angel Gabriel announced in the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy.  On God’s timetable, Elizabeth’s son John the Baptist, had to be the forerunner to announce the ministry of Christ to the Jewish people. God can use the events and circumstances around us to work out His purposes in our lives. Just as John the Baptist’s birth would eventually help Jesus’ mission, God has sent people ahead of you who will help you fulfil His purpose.

II.            The angel of Gabriel was the same angel who announced John the Baptist’s birth to his father. The angelic herald knew when to speak to and where to find the person. God demonstrates that He knew Mary, even if she was not well known in her community.  The Lord knows how to reach us with His message.

III.            A virgin betrothed to a man.

See how God uses such an ordinary woman. Mary was an ordinary village girl who was promised in to marry a man in her village.  The name “Mary” means “beloved one”. There is no information that Mary came from a prestigious background,  nor was there anything extraordinary about her, yet God chose her for a particular task.

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