Inspiration 86

“Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God. (Lk 12:6). Why should God be concerned about sparrows to keep them in remembrance all the time? It is because He is an all-knowing God who knows all His creatures and never forgets any of them. Again, He is a God who sustains His creation, so He cannot forget any of them. For living things created, they all look to God to give them their food in due season, and He gives it to them before they can gather it up and opens His hand to fill them with good things. God is perfect in knowledge.  He knows the trillions of stars and even calls them all by name. He knows all the grains of sand at the sea shore; the flakes of snow that fall on earth; the plants and trees that grow on earth; etc. Indeed, He knows everything.  For human beings, He knows all the over 7 billion people on earth now and the billions that once lived and shall ever live on earth. He knows everything about them and even numbered the hairs on every person’s head. However, we have a God who knows not only the names of all people but also knows the state of members of their bodies. He knows the state of our hearts, eyes, brain, lungs, kidneys, etc. If not one bird falls to the ground apart from God, you, child of God, are worth more than many birds and shall experience only what He allows to come your way. If you are God’s child, you have good things lined up for you from your Father, who does good and turns to sound, even bad things meant for you. Your Father knows you thoroughly and keeps you, so your safety and security are guaranteed.

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