Inspiration 83

Should it not be easier for the poor and needy to be raised from the dust and ash heap and sit with princes? And what about a barren woman having a home and becoming a joyous mother of children? Once the Word says so, it shall happen to all who believe in it. So let the poor say, “I am rich, and let the childless woman say I have many children.” Is the Lord Christ your Saviour and Lord? Then all the promises of God are Yes for you in Him so you can respond Amen. (2 Cor 1: 20). Accordingly, in Christ you have been set free (Jn 8: 36); been healed of any sickness ( 1 Pet 2 : 24), overcome the world ( 1 Jn 5:4); been given authority to tread on demonic powers and be unharmed (Lk 10:19);  cross over from death to life (Jn 5: 24); etc. The Word of God says all things are yours in Christ (1 Cor 3: 21). Believe it, and you shall possess them! “He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap to make them sit with princes of his people. He gives the barren woman a home, making her the joyous mother of children. Praise the Lord! (Ps 113:7-9). The God who created everything that exists out of no material but by His Word uses the Word to control the entire creation and to do anything He desires. He is often unorthodox in the way He acts, so His interventions in the affairs of humanity are always miraculous and wonderful. With His Word as the executor of whatever He seeks to do, all He does is declare it to people, and once they believe and act upon it, it accomplishes His intent. His Word, believed by Abraham, caused him to have a son at age 100 by a woman 90 years of age. Again, His Word, believed by Moses, caused the unleashing of unnatural weapons of war, such as; the water turned into blood, frogs, flies, darkness, locusts, hailstorm, boils, and death of the firstborn males, etc., upon Egypt. As a result, Israel was set free from enslavement to them. What about the Word declared opening a way through the Red Sea for Israel to pass through and for Pharaoh and His army to be drowned? The Word could also cause the whole earth to be flooded (Gen 6:17), fall fortified walls (Jos 6:2- 5) etc. This very Word caused a virgin to conceive and bring forth the only begotten Son of God. In effect, the Word caused the invisible God to become a visible Man. The Word made the immortal Son of God die. It also made Him resurrect from the dead, becoming the first person to do so. Furthermore, the Word proclaims a resurrection for all who believe in Jesus, and it will indeed happen, for no creature can act contrary to what is declared by the Word.

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