Inspiration 82

God has an inheritance for every believer who overcomes. May He strengthen you to remain faithful to the end to possess that inheritance. Let us maintain our confession to the end. The confession of the believe is what we say about God without wavering. In good times or bad times, what we say about the Lord should remain the same. “He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son.” (Rev 21:7). God demands that we become overcomers in life. He knows that in this life, many things will come against us, but He demands that we defeat and conquer those things that rise up against us. We fight battles always. We wrestle in battles within ourselves; battles we create for us; battles against wicked spiritual powers. No matter the battles we face, we have only one option to win. Our passage comes to us from the Book of Revelations.  It speaks of the end times and how the Lord of the end times will view us at the end of this age. The passage speaks of those who overcome.  The overcomer is the person who overcomes this world and remains faithful and loyal to Christ. It means the person who remains pure and follows the Lord Jesus Christ. The overcomer is the person who conquers all the temptations and trails of life. Let us remain faithful to the Lord. The Lord is faithful to us; we must be faithful to Him. He has given us all things.  We must remain loyal to ourselves, to our families,  to others  in general and to our Christian commitments also.

   “But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you.” (1 Pet 5:10). A reward is what you receive after you have successfully pulled through and suffered for Christ. Struggles and challenges are inevitable in life. As Christians, because we trouble the kingdom of darkness, the devil will always look for ways to attack us.  Whenever you fall to a challenge, your ability to fight through and come out determines the reward you receive. Let us understand that after we have been through what we need for the glory of God, He will make us perfectly strong, established and settled.  The Bible says God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Heb 11: 6)

     A reward is a prize, an honour or a gift. Rewards come in different ways and forms. For Sampson, his reward was judgement over the Philistines, for you it may be God giving you that job breakthrough or marriage testimony. In times of difficulty don’t keep silent, declare what you want to see. To everything there is a season; and surely after the season of struggles, the Lord will reward you with your season of laughter. Don’t come before the Lord quiet, speak for the season is now. I declare that the Lord will answer you when you called and reward you with judgement over your enemies. May their tables overturn in the name of Jesus! Stay blessed.

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