Inspiration 79

I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” curses you ; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed. ( Gen 12 : 3). God undertook to validate Abraham. He promised to stand behind Abraham and treat people as they treated Abraham.  The Lord tied the outcomes of people’s lives to how they handled Abraham. In the harsh and uncertain world that Abraham stepped into, this was God’s way of ensuring his safety and security.  If people were hostile to Abraham,  God would be hostile to them. If they showed good will to Abraham,  God would show them goodwill. The attitude of others towards Abraham determined God’s response towards them.

* I will bless who bless you.
Anyone who blessed Abraham was a blessing to  Abraham’s God.  As such, the God of Abraham would bless them in return. This blessing did not come from Abraham; it came from the Lord. God took it upon Himself to look for and reward anyone who was kind to Abraham.  God’s  blessing to Abraham  extended to all those who have placed their faith in Christ. The Lord blesses those who bless His people.

*  I will curse those who curse you.
Anyone who cursed Abraham was cursing Abraham’s God. This was God’s security cover for Abraham. Anytime people planned against Abraham,  God took it as a direct affront to His name. If anyone initiated a spiritual attack against Abraham,  the host of heaven rose against them. God protected Abraham when  he was a stranger in a strange land. Similarly,  the Lord protects us when we are alone and have no one to help us. When people seek evil for God’s children , they receive evil upon themselves.  As children of Abraham by faith,  we have the blessing of Abraham on us. The same God, who was with Abraham, is our Heavenly  Father. He sees the way people treat His children as directed to Him.

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