Inspiration 80

But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son , born of a woman, born under law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. ( Gal 4 : 4- 5). This passage is a summary of the fulfilment of the prophecies of Jesus. It tells us the whole purpose of history. Christ is at the centre of all human history. Before He came, everything pointed ahead to His coming. After He came, everything pointed back to what He came to do. The story of mankind. Christ was born in the fullness of time. All prophecies that had been made by the Old Testament prophets finally came to a head. For years, the people of God had been waiting. Then, one day , it happened – Christ was born! Guided by a sovereign God, historical events worked in a harmony to prepare for the exact moments of Jesus, arrival on earth. God chose the exact time and brought it to pass. Christ was born of a woman. This goes back to the first prophecy that referred to the Redeemer as the ‘seed of the woman ‘. It shows the link between the birth of Jesus and the Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah. Jesus was born like every other person is born into the world. But for the fact that He was born of a virgin woman, it places Him in a unique class that is shared with no other person. Jesus qualified to be the person about whom numerous prophecies had been made.
Christ was born to redeem us. This is what God promised the human race, and this is what Christ was born to do. He came to redeem humanity from sin. Jesus can be ascribed different descriptions for the life He lived. He may be called a greater philosopher, a teacher, or a healer. But none of these fully and what defines His mission. God brought Him into the world to redeem us. This season, allow Christ the Redeemer to come stay in your heart if you have not as yet allowed Him.

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