Inspiration 74

Then David danced before the Lord with all his might, and David was wearing a linen ephod.So, David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of the Lord with shouting and with the sound of the trumpet. (2 Sam 6:14-15). The Ark of the Covenant had been away from Israel for a long time.  It was captured by the Philistines but returned because it was causing mayhem in their city. When it was brought back, David, out of fear, decided to send it to the house of Obededom. However, upon realizing that it brought blessing to the house of Obededom, David made haste to bring it to Israel. On that memorable day, David praised God with his dancing and shouting, so much so that he exposed himself to all present.

      Praise is an expression of gratitude to God in words or songs and is accompanied by actions such as dancing, jumping, running and clapping.  It takes a heart of gratitude to bring praises unto God. Your praise is in recognition of what God has done for you. It must be expressed outwardly and not only be an inward expression.  David danced before the Lord in praise amid everyone. Praise to God must be seen in public. You don’t have to feel shy when it’s time to praise God. You should be excited about the opportunity to appreciate God for His goodness in your life.

        “So David said to Michal, “It was before the Lord, who chose me instead of your father and all his house, to appoint me ruler over the people of the Lord, over Israel. Therefore, I will play music before the Lord.” (2 Sam 6: 21). As David danced before the Lord in praise, Micah, his wife, criticised him for dancing unkinglike. David responded that his praise was to the God Who had given him the throne over her father’s house. He acknowledged what God had done for him. Remember, the definition of praise is an expression of gratitude to God in words or songs. You must not be silent when God does something great for you and your household. Your praise level should match all God has done and is still doing in your life.

     In Genesis 14, when Cain and Abel presented their sacrifices to God out of the proceeds of their businesses, God accepted Abel’s and rejected Cain’s. Abel’s offering or praise was the best portion of his flock, while Cain’s wasn’t the best from his farm produce. The praise God accepts is equal to the blessings He has given, so offer your best praise to Him for what He’s done for you.

      “Now as the ark of the Lord came into the City of David, Michal, Saul’s daughter, looked through a window and saw King David leaping and whirling before the Lord; and she despised him in her heart.” (2 Sam 6: 16). A “Michal” spirit is anything that takes you out of the praise of God. It is the proud, pompous and arrogant spirit that a person expresses when praise is being lifted up to God. It is the feeling that you are better than someone praising God. The heart causes a feeling of contempt for the work of God. It could also appear in the jealous person who fails to praise God for doing something in a neighbour’s life.    

      Judas portrayed the “Michal” spirit when Mary Magdalene broke an alabaster flask of expensive perfume on Jesus’ feet (Jn 12:3-5). When you take yourself out of praise:

  • It proves you are ungrateful for what the Lord has done for you.
  • It is a significant indictment of the grace of God.
  • You attract a curse from God.

       God deserves your praise even when you feel things are not going well for you. Instead of focusing on your present circumstances and despising Him, praise Him, knowing that your suffering is coming to an end. When the Lord blesses you, do not become proud but praise Him more. Let your praise measure up the His blessings in your life, and stop looking down at people’s praise. I pray that every “Micah” spirit in or around you will be consumed in the blood of Jesus.

         “But You are holy, enthroned in the praises of Israel.” (Ps 22:3). God as a personality dwells in the praises of His people. Our praise provides a place for us to encounter God’s power. God is holy; hence your glory and your sacrifice that rise to Him must be holy. It must be from a place of genuine gratitude to Him. Your praise carries the anointing of:

  • The presence and power of God.
  • Kingship. Your honour to God places a crown on your head, like King David.
  • Multiplication.  When you praise God for one testimony, He multiplies it and gives you another. 

     If He inhabits our praise, then whenever the praises of God are lifted, you will see His power, presence and anointing. Testimonies would come from such a gathering. You do not go into a community of genuine praise and leave the same. We must praise God with our worship and sacrifice in the good times and bad.  Since it carries the presence of God, it gives God the permission to come in and work on that situation.

       God deserves our most profound praise and worship. It takes nothing from you to praise God. Instead, it provokes God to work in your life. When Elisha was consulted by the king of Israel concerning their battle with the Moabites, he asked for a musician, and immediately, the praises went up, and God’s power came upon him (2 Kgs 3:15). Today, I pray that your praise will bring God into your situation.

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