Inspiration 72

Therefore, the Lord Himself will give you a sign. Behold , the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son and shall call His name Immanuel. ( Isaiah 7 : 14). Before Christ was born, Isaiah prophesied a phenomenon that was going to happen on earth . He spoke of something strange and peculiar that had not happened b4 a virgin was going to conceive and give birth to a Son. How was this phenomenon going to take place?

God will give us a sign. A sign marks a thing out for special attention. God marked the birth of Christ with something unique to separate our Lord’s birth from all other births. That is why there is no such birth in human history. Although Christ lived a normal life like all other people , His birth was very different from all other people . His birth was a sign pointing to Him as the Saviour of the world.

*A virgin shall conceive.

The virgin birth is at the root of Christianity. It is the way God chose to physically enter into human history to redeem mankind from sin. The fact that God changed the course of nature and introduced Himself into the world in this manner tells us there is something special about the boy who was born and named Jesus. The child will be called Immanuel. Immanuel means “God with us.” It is a name that describes the mission of the child. How is God with us? The coming of the child to the earth would signify God living among human beings. In Christ, God actually experienced human life. God chose a virgin, someone uninitiated and with no experience, as the vessel to manifest the greatest miracle ever. God still does that today. He can take people who are seen as nobodies to do great things. Allow God to use you to manifest His grace to the world.

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