Inspiration 70

By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept when we remembered Zion. (Ps 137:1). Zion is a representation of the presence of God. It represents joy, peace, love, security and all the blessings that come with fellowshipping with God. God desires that we all remain in Zion. However, they only had mere memories of Zion after Israel’s departure. They couldn’t enjoy the benefits anymore but instead sat in ashes and wept. They remembered it with regret and wished they had never left.  What do you remember about God’s presence? As a believer, what makes you weep? Have you missed out on the blessings that Zion had to offer when you hastily left? The memories of Zion, even though good, make us realise that a promise we are supposed to be enjoying has become nothing but a wish. In Zion, everyone can sing the Lord’s song, but out of Zion, the story is not the same. Today, I want you to look back and think about the times when you served in the Lord’s presence, enjoyed fellowship and never allowed anything to take you away from there. The Lord is calling you back to Zion, where you can sing songs of praise because out of it is nothing but weeping and misery, which should not be your story. Do not allow Zion to be a memory but your dwelling place. The Lord dwells in Zion (Ps 132:13-14), and in it are beautiful blessings. If He lives there, we must also long to live there. There, He gathers His people and fellowships with them. For the Israelites, their Zion was Jerusalem because that was where they worshipped God. Your Zion can be your local church. In times of crisis, it is easy to be pushed out of Zion. There were many times the people of Israel left the presence of God because worshipping other gods seemed to be more promising, but in the end, they lost more than they had. Remember, the Lord is the supplier of all needs and the One Who opens doors. Stay in Zion, no matter how difficult things are, because your song will be lost when you leave. In Zion, God will give you a song that will turn your situation around for good. This is the Word of the Lord for you.

 “Our enemies had brought us here as their prisoners; now they wanted us to sing and entertain them. They insulted us and shouted, “Sing about Zion!” (Ps 137:3; CEV). Babylon refers to any situation that is antichrist. It paints a picture of satanic control, prison and captivity. Daniel and his three friends were captured and sent to Babylon, where they couldn’t worship God freely. In a Babylon situation, people laugh at you and question your belief in God. It could be a situation where everything around you suppresses God’s presence in your life. You feel imprisoned, and you have nowhere to go. At certain times in our lives, we all find ourselves in Babylon. We cannot experience the Lord’s glory in such situations because we are mocked. But like Daniel, you must strive to find God in those situations. It would help if you fought back to take your song. Daniel was told not to worship any other god in Babylon, but he defied the King’s orders and prayed to God, and in the end, God saved him in the lion’s den (Dan 6:1-23). Are you in misery? Are you being taunted because of your God? Do not allow any situation to steal your song. Do not forsake your God, and you shall be victorious.


Blessed be the Lord out of Zion, Who dwells in Jerusalem! Praise the Lord! (Psalm 135:21).

In Salem also is His tabernacle and His dwelling place in Zion. (Ps 76:2).

So you shall know I am the Lord your God, dwelling in Zion, My holy mountain. Then Jerusalem shall be holy, and no aliens shall ever pass through her again. (Joel 3:17).

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