Inspiration 67

 These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation; but be good cheer; I have overcome the world. (Jn 16:33). Our world is going through economic challenges, political uncertainties and other forms of natural and artificial challenges. In response to the uncertainties surrounding us, many people are popping pills to quiet their nerves; others use meditation practises to calm their anxieties, but Jesus reminds us that He is the source of our peace. There are lessons from the passage.

I. In Christ, we have peace.

The Word of Jesus gives us peace. To enjoy His peace, we must live our lives in Him. That means we must make Him the Lord of our lives and live by His words. Jesus must be our focus and emphasis, not the prevailing circumstances around us. They may be loud and pronounced, constantly trying to catch our attention. But we must make every effort to look to Jesus and stay in His Word.

II.  Christ has overcome the world.

 Christ lived in our world. He faced all the troubles the people who lived in His world faced and triumphed. He fully identifies with our humanity, and with all challenges and difficulties we face, He can be our perfect role model of victory. Because our Lord overcame the world, we will overcome the world and win the battles of this life.

III. Live cheerfully.

The Lord encourage us to live joyful lives. When the world is faced with a crisis, people panic and are frightened.  We do not have to follow suit and respond as the world does, with depression and complaining.  As believers in Christ, we must live hopeful and happy lives.

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