Inspiration 61

“For from Him through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be glory forever. Amen (Rom 11: 36). God created all things by His Word (Jn 1:3), so they  all take their sources from Him. He also sustains them by His Word  (Heb 1 : 3), so all things exist through Him. Finally,  all things end with Him. It means He has a end determined for all things  and they shall all end as planned by Him. God is also the Author of the new creation.  He saves a person by grace through faith in Jesus (Eph 2 : 8) , thus making them a new creation in Him ( 2 Cor 5 : 17). He sustains them by faith rooted on grace (Rom 5 : 2) .
Finally , faith in  Christ shall bring them to a glorious end when they ultimately enter heaven by God’s power ( 1 Pet 1 : 5). Creation began  with God.  For humanity, God has planned a glorious end for them. They are saved in Christ, live through Him, come to the end of this life in Him, and taken into heaven by Him to be with God forever. Those who refuse to be saved in Christ shall also come to an end in this life, and shall be taken to hell,  the destination of the devil, his angels and the unrighteous. God wants every person to live with Him in heaven forever so repent of your sin and enter Jesus Christ,  He will take you there.

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