Inspiration 57

So they went and found the colt, just as Jesus had said. (Lk 19:32). The Word of God does not return to Him empty, but it accomplishes that which is purposed and succeeds in the things for which it is sent (Isa 56:11). When Jesus was going to Jerusalem to be crucified, He gave His Word to two of His disciples to go to a village ahead of them, where they were to untie a colt and bring it to Him. If anyone should ask them why they should tell him the Master needed it. (Lk 19:30-31). When they went, they found the colt tied, and when they began to untie it, the owners asked them why but when they responded that it was the Lord, the owners allowed them to take it away. It is up to the disciples of Jesus to have faith in His Word and step out in obedience to it, even though they may look crazy in obeying what may not look reasonable, sound, logical or proper. How on earth could any stranger begin to untie another person’s animal without being branded a thief? However, the disciples acted in faith, and the Word accomplished what the Lord declared.

     It reminds me of some servants at a wedding feast in Cana, who had run out of wine, and were asked by Jesus to fill some jars with water. This request made no sense to the anxious servants, but they acted on it and saw the water turn into wine that was even superior to the original wine they served (Jn 2:6-9). Furthermore, what was reasonable about an army seeking to bring down the fortified walls of a city, having their priests blow trumpets around it for seven days and a great shout at the walls?  Yet Joshua and the Israeli army believed it, acted on it, and got the walls of Jericho down.

     How about facing a large army of three nations without weapons but with priests leading and singing songs of praise to the Lord? Yet, King Jehoshaphat of Israel had faith in God’s Word, acted on it and had all the enemy soldiers destroyed by one another (2 Chr 20:15-27). It takes faith in God’s Word to bring about a performance. Like Elizabeth said, those who believe that any word spoken to them shall be fulfilled get blessed (Lk 1:45). Children of God should heed the counsel of Mary, the mother of Jesus and do whatever He tells them (Jn 2:5). God’s Word says you have been set free from any form of captivity (Jn 8:36), you have overcome the world (1 Jn 5:4) for Christ has overcome it for you; you have been healed by His stripes (1 Pet 2:24), you are blessed along with Abraham (Gal 3:9), and with all heavenly blessings that are in Christ (Eph 1:3). These promises may not sound reasonable to you. Still, it takes faith and not a reason to access God’s promises. If you have faith, you can possess the promises of God for whatever you ask. (Mk 11:24).     

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