Inspiration 45

The resurrection of the dead is the living hope for humanity. (1 Pet 1:3). Without it, every hope is insecure, temporary and disappointing, for death shall destroy them all. As a child of the resurrection, you will live with God and Jesus forever. Your hope cannot be cut short. Several people think that the resurrection of the dead is impossible. They reduce God to their limited level, but God is infinite. Even many theologians do not believe in the miracles recorded in the Bible. To them, the Red Sea was never parted for Israel to walk through; manna never fell from Heaven, nor did Jesus feed thousands with five loaves of bread and two pieces of fish. However, all these happened because God’s eternal, unchanging and reliable Word says they happened.

“Why is it thought incredible by any of you that God raises the dead?” (Acts 26:8). When human beings understand spiritual things with their grossly limited minds, they become befuddled and wholly lost. For God cannot be known through human wisdom (1 Cor 1:21); He can be known only by faith. He is not like physical things that must be seen before being believed. God must be believed in before He reveals Himself to people. Yes, things of God are spiritually discerned, so the natural person does not accept them; they are folly to them. Therefore, when Paul spoke of the dead’s resurrection, He was hardly understood; he sounded funny and was mocked. “And when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked, while others said, ‘We will hear you again on this matter.’” (Acts 17:32).

 A natural person cannot imagine how a dead person, buried and turned into a pack of bones, can be resurrected from the dead. They forget that there was no world until God created it by His Word, and this Word made some creatures living things and others non-living things. They forget that planets and stars are hanging in space, kept in order by the Word of God. Can’t the Word that gave life to lifeless creatures also give life to dead persons? To remove doubt about the dead’s resurrection from people’s minds, God turned His Word into a human being and sent Him to earth as Jesus Christ.  As the Word that gave life, now in Person, Jesus declared that He was the Resurrection and the Life.  He raised many people from the dead and died and resurrected from the dead Himself. What proof or conviction do doubters and unbelievers in the resurrection from the dead still need to believe?

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