Inspiration 40

      Anytime we read the Scriptures and see a promise of God to us, it is an invitation from Him to us. He has set a banquet table of miracles, signs and wonders before us. The promise He gives us is the invitation to partake in what He has offered on the table. We share His love because God is love. Though He is complete in Himself, God is not self-centred as He shares Himself. The Lord did that in creation by sharing His image with us. When we lost that image, He came to seek and save us. In Christ, He invites us to share in that nature.

     “By which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.” (2 Pet 1:4). We are partakers of God’s divine nature and share in it. To be a partaker is to share or take part in something. God has allowed us to take part in His divine nature. It is almost like God inviting us to partake in a banquet with Him. We participate in His power as God is all-powerful. He made all things; therefore, He can open the sea, stop the mouth of lions, heal the sick, and raise the dead. In Christ, He invites us to share in that divine ability.

        How do we partake of all these expressions of God’s nature? According to our text today, we experience His divine nature based on the precious promises He has given us. We partake in His nature by receiving those promises. Today, claim this promise His promises, and when you do that, you share in His nature. God cannot lie, so we share in His character when accepting what He says as the truth. Becoming a partaker of the divine nature means that the characteristics of God’s nature become your own. God is love, good, kind, honest and faithful. If we live bearing the fruit of the Spirit, we share in His divine nature.

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