Inspiration 121

Therefore, give to Your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people, that I may discern between good and evil. For who is able to judge these great people of Yours? (1Kg 3:9; emp added). Whatever the Lord calls us to do, He can give us the capacity to do it. If we lack what it takes, He gives us what it takes. When Solomon took over as king of Israel, he was very much aware of the enormity of the task. His father, David, had been a victorious king, and the nation became stable and prosperous. Solomon’s prayer request was centred on how he saw his mission as a king. Listen to him: “Who is able to judge these great people of yours?” That was Solomon’s question to God. From the onset, he recognised the people as God’s people. Israel was God’s nation, and the people belonged to God. Though he was the king, Solomon did not see himself as the owner of the people.  He saw himself as a steward of the people. Because he saw himself as a steward of God’s people, Solomon needed God’s help to lead them. In his heart, he knew that no one could genuinely lead the nation by himself.

       A leader who knows what he lacks can build capacity.  Those who think they have it all figured out settle for what they have and do not grow.

  1. “Give me understanding.”

Solomon wanted the Lord to give him depth. He wanted to have a depth that went deeper than age or education. He wanted the Lord to expand his ability to grasp the issues confronting him as a leader. He asked for a heart that would listen, be patient with all sides of an issue, and discern and judge the truth.

  1. “That I may discern.”

 Solomon asked the Lord to give him the ability to make the right choices.  He wanted a discerning heart that could understand issues and discern the truth, a heart that could judge between good and evil, right and wrong, truth and falsehood, and righteousness and evil. God gave Solomon wisdom beyond his age and experience.  He can do the same for us because He knows where we fall short. When we seek the Lord to increase our capacity, He will do it for us.


The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; a good understanding have all those who do His commandments.
His praise endures forever. (Ps 111:10).

For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding (Pro 2:6).

Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts, and in the hidden part, You will make me to know wisdom. (Ps 51:6).

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