Inspiration 113

“The law of your mouth is better to me than thousands of gold and silver pieces.” ( Ps 119:72). David, the king of Israel, was very rich in gold and silver; so rich that he could give 100,000 talents of gold and a million talents of silver to Solomon, his son toward the construction of God’s temple (1 Chron 22: 14). By this singular act, he showed what he treasured most in life. God was the One He treasured most and would part with any earthly treasure to please Him. Therefore,  when he declared that God’s Word was better to him than thousands of gold and silver pieces,  it was not an empty boast. God’s Word should have been the greatest treasure to all people but for their sinful disposition. David further stated that the Word of God is perfect, sure, right, pure, clean, true and righteous, and is to be desired more than gold, even much fine gold, and is sweeter than honey. (Ps 19:7-10). For it was the Word that made him king, taking him out of the pasture, from the following sheep, to become Prince over Israel (2 Chro 17:7). Thus, whatever wealth he had amassed was out of the Word that appointed him king. Do you see how precious the Word of God is? It creates everything, sustains everything, and determines the end of everything.  It is life and is the only thing that gives life (Jn 1:4). It became a person, Jesus, so no wonder He is called the Author of life (Acts 3:15), the Saviour and Lord. Give to the cause of God’s kingdom and in service to humanity.

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