Inspiration 109

His mother said to the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it.” (John 2:5). Mary, the mother of our Lord Jesus, gave an important instruction on how to relate with the Lord. She told witnesses of Jesus’ first miracle at the wedding in Cana the essence of how Jesus works — do whatever He the Lord, says to you. That instruction Mary gave at the beginning of the Lord’s ministry is the same instruction we have today. It is the vital key to seeing his miraculous power displayed. Whatever He says to you, do it.  This came from a mother who had known her divinely ordained Son all His life. Though He was yet to become the popular Teacher Who worked miracles, Mary, after several years of nurturing, must have come to appreciate the supernatural power at work in Him. She had come to know how Jesus operated, and it required simple, trusting obedience of whatever He instructed to do. To be able to do what Jesus says we should do, we must pay attention to a few important things.

·     “Hear His Word.”

Hearing is the first step in the process. We cannot do what the Lord says if we do not hear what He is saying to us. The primary way we hear the Lord speak is by paying attention to His Word—studying the Scriptures. In so doing, we get to know His instructions and understand His Word so we can apply it to our lives today.

·     “Trust His Word.”  After we have heard the Word of the Lord, we must have confidence in Him and in what He is saying to us. God’s written Word carries the same power today as when they were first spoken. What He says is trustworthy, because it is backed by His faithfulness.  We can trust and depend on His Word to produce the results it promises when obeyed.

·     “Act on His Word.”  The proof of our trust in God’s Word is in our actions. When we take any step that is informed by God’s Word, we show we obey all His instructions, including those we find difficult to comply with. In doing what the Lord says, we will see a performance of His Word in our lives.

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