Inspiration 108

Do you know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. (1 Cor 9 :24). Paul uses the athletic metaphor to explain the importance of remaining disciplined in our pursuits. There are some important lessons to draw to form this passage. These are applicable both in our spiritual walk with the Lord and to life’s pursuits in general.

·       We all have our individual races to run.

In the Christian race, we have a personal commitment to follow the Lord as faithful disciples, serving and loving Him. In addition, we all have individual goals and ambitions for our lives that we seek to achieve. We do not compete with others for the prize of our pursuits, we run our own race to receive the reward. We must not give a place to comparison with others or fight them as they strive to run their race. Just as an athletic submits to strict rules of effort and abstinence to win a per is noble prize, the Christian must be willing to live a disciplined life to please the Lord. That same posture of focus and right priorities will translate into the fulfilment of dreams and obtaining rewards.

·       We must run in a way that we can receive our reward.

In a typical race, only one person comes out the winner. But in life’s race, all who keep to the rules and run well, the race before them, become winners. There’s room for more winners, and all can succeed. Also, the Lord graciously loves and rewards without preference for one person over another.  Each one of us can obtain a reward in life, but we have to apply ourselves to do so. We must have a definite purpose and devote full commitment to it. We must put in the effort to train and run fervently and effectively.  When we do so, the Lord will lay up the rewards we desire at the finish line, awaiting our arrival. May the Lord reward your efforts in Jesus’ name.

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