Inspiration 102

See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time because the days are evil. (Eph 5:15-16). Everyone has a dream. Maybe you have had it since you were a child, or perhaps it came to you more recently.  Desires, wishes and ambitions are part of every person’s life.  You may have hidden it deep inside you, but you have a dream somewhere. So, the question isn’t whether you have a plan or not. Instead, the question is this, “What are you doing with your dream?” Most dreams never come true. It is not that you are not smart, not outgoing enough, or not spiritual enough.  Usually, dreams don’t come true because you are unwilling to take the necessary risks to reach them.

The Bible shares a sad one-sentence commentary about a king who failed to achieve an essential ambition in his life. “Jehoshaphat had [large cargo] ships of Tarshish constructed to go to Ophir for gold, but they did not go because the ships were wrecked at Ezion-Geber.” (1 Kg 22:48). While it’s a tragedy for your ship never to come in, it’s a greater tragedy for you to build a ship and never set sail. Imagine the energy and expenses expended by King Jehoshaphat.  He made an entire fleet of ships to go after the gold, and not one of them set sail. They never even got out of the harbour!  Evidently, a storm came up while these ships were still in the port; they slammed against the rocks and were destroyed. 

Some people spend their whole lives waiting for their ships to come in, but God isn’t waiting for your ship to come in. He is waiting for you to sail your ship out of the harbour, and when it is out, you are on purpose to see your dream manifest. We should not sit for success to come to us; instead, we should set our ships on a sail, which is when we will see success.

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