Inpsiration 90

Most people get less than 100 years on this planet and must leave all earthly treasures behind. But you will get to enjoy your heavenly treasure for eternity. So how do you store up treasure in heaven? How do you send it on ahead? You do it by investing in people. God wants you to invest in people because those investments have eternal consequences and rewards. Only two things will last forever: the Word of God and people. People will spend eternity in heaven or hell, and your investment in someone could make all the difference.

Every time you are generous, you invest in your eternal home. Jesus called this principle “storing up treasure in Heaven.” He used this phrase six (6) times in the Bible. When Jesus says something six times, you better pay attention.  If you don’t, you are going to miss the blessing.  In Matthew 6: 19-20, Jesus says, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.”

Philippians 4: 17 says, “I don’t say this because I want a gift from you. Rather, I want you to receive a reward for your kindness.” (NLT). Paul wrote to the Philippians to express his appreciation for their support. But he emphasised what meant the most to him. What brought Paul the most joy was he knew that their sacrifice and generosity to him gave them treasure in heaven. They invested in him, but they also invested in their eternal home. You will be rewarded for everything you have given away. Are you giving away your time? You are going to be compensated in heaven. Are you giving away your energy? Are you giving away your money? You are going to be rewarded in heaven. As you go about your day, look for ways to be generous and invest in your eternal home.

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