God Will Provide

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God Will Provide

        God is a God of abundance; He gives so much to us that we cannot even have time to enjoy them. Before God created man, He provided him with everything he would ever need. God didn’t wait for Adam to be hungry before He thought about creating trees and fruits for him. He perfected everything before He made man. Since Adam’s creation, the earth has sustained billions of people and will continue to do so. God could have created a few things for Adam and Eve to enjoy, but He did more than enough such that trillions of people can enjoy the earth. Let me put it another way: the world’s population can never outrun its resources. Suppose our population is 100 trillion. Do you know the earth is still big enough to sustain us? This is how good God is. Hence, we say you cannot outgive God. God hasn’t done anything since creation because He doesn’t need to. Let me give you just a few examples to buttress my point.

         Abraham sent Hagar and Ismael away through Sarah’s influence. Hagar ran out of water and was desperate to save Ismael’s life. “Then God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water. And she went and filled the skin with water and gave the lad a drink.” (Gen 21:19; emp added). You may already be familiar with the story, but God had already provided it before Hagar needed water, but she couldn’t see it. What was the problem? Was it a lack, or was it a sight problem? You and I may have a need already provided by God, but we don’t have the eye to locate them. God didn’t give Hagar directions to find water; He opened her eyes. May God open our eyes so we can identify the solutions to our problems instead of disturbing Him.

       God tested Abraham’s faith, asking him to kill Isaac, but a ram was already there waiting for Abraham to pass the test. “Then Abraham lifted his eyes and looked, and there behind him was a ram caught in a thicket by its horns. So, Abraham went and took the ram and offered it up for a burnt offering instead of his son.” (Gen 22:13; emp added). Did you see what Abraham did? He looked and saw. The ram was already there.

         In 2 Kings 6:17, we famously read the prayer of Elisha petitioning for God to open the eyes of Gehazi when the Syrians came to attack them. Again, they didn’t need to wait for God to do something. He had already protected them, but only Elisha saw it. Gehazi had no faith because he couldn’t see God’s provision.     

       What we cannot see affects our actions, thoughts and how we live. In 1 Kings 17, Elijah stopped the rain for three and half years, so there was famine. God said, “Get away from here, turn eastward, and hide by the Brook Cherith, which flows into the Jordan. And it will be that you shall drink from the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there.” (Emp added). God didn’t say, “I will command the ravens to feed you.” He had already commanded them. Before you ever take a step, God has already provided what you will ever need, so trust Him. Then the brook dried up. As soon as it dried, the Word of the Lord came to Elijah and said, “Arise, go to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and dwell there. See, I have commanded a widow there to provide for you.” (Vs 8-9; emp added). God told Abraham to get out of his father’s house. (Gen 12:1). When Abraham obeyed, we later read that he became very wealthy in livestock, silver, and gold. (Gen 13:2). God will not call you to do something and lack the resources.

1 John 4:17 says, “As He is, so are we in this world.” In your spirit, you are the same as Jesus was. Our spirit is perfect when we come to Jesus. It doesn’t improve or get better with time. Everything you will ever need in life was embedded in your spirit man when you came to the Lord. All we need to do for the rest of our lives is to draw from our spirit to our soul and body. God has already blessed us with every spiritual blessing; God will not add increase His blessings through time, it is already there. Ephesians 1:3 says, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.”

Do you believe that God has already provided for all your needs? He takes care of the birds and the flowers on the field, and I am sure He will do that for you. No matter your condition, I want you to trust Jehovah Jireh!

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