Inspiration 1

train by trees against blue sky

A commanded blessing is a blessing that cannot be overturned. No spiritual authority can overrule an endorsement that the Lord has commanded over His people. As God’s covenant children, we are eligible for His commanded blessing. At a time when our world is shaken and unstable, the Lord has commanded establishment in our lives. At a time when people’s hearts fail them, the Lord has commanded a blessing of peace over you. When things are going down for so many, the Lord has ordered that something go up for us.

     Today, let us stand ready for God’s directed blessing on the work of our hands. May the Lord of light cause our work to shine in the darkness. May the Lord of the earth cause the work of our hands to flourish in the desert place, and may the Lord of Heaven water what we have sown with our hands and make us fruitful. Your labour will be abundantly rewarded in Jesus’ mighty name.

      “The Lord will command the blessing on you in your storehouses and in all to which you set your hand, and He will bless you in the land which the Lord your God is giving you” (Deut 28:8). Not only does God train our hands for work, but He is also able to bless the work of our hands. He can command a blessing on all that we set our hands to do. A commanded blessing is a blessing that God intentionally speaks into existence. The idea is similar to God, calling light out of the darkness. Just as God brought light into being when darkness, the opposite, had covered the earth, God can bring a blessing into being when a curse has covered the world. As God’s covenant children, we are eligible for His decreed benefit.

    God’s blessing has no geographical limitations. He can locate you in any city, town, village, locally or abroad, and there is no place on earth beyond the reach of God’s blessing.

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