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Greetings to you! I am glad you are here. If you are a Christian, then this site will help you in one way or the other to learn more about God. If you are not a Christian, please click here.
When you give your life to Jesus, you are translated from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God. (Col 1:13). There are two things to learn here. First, you must change how you do your things because your spirit man was transformed when you surrundered to Jesus. The new Kingdom has new principles different from how you were brought up. For example, in the Old, you could be racist, but the New teaches you the importance of love. You were selfish but born again to be generous; you profaned the name of God but now praise His name. Sin was your default nature, but righteousness becomes your new nature. The way you were brought up directly contradicts how God wants you to live. Preachers fail to teach us Kingdom principles, so we still walk in the old nature even though we are Christians. We do things the way non-believers do. In fact, if you were arrested as a Christian, there would not be enough evidence to convict you because you are as sick as the unbeliever, poor, speak the same language, watch the same programs, swear like them, associate and support movements that go against the Word of God.
Jesus didn’t shed His blood on the cross for you to live as though nothing happened. We cannot be in the New Kingdom and live according to the Old. You are not just a forgiven sinner; you are a new creature of God. Your spirit that was dead is now alive. Hallelujah! The second thing to understand is that Satan is no longer your lord and master. Before you came to Christ, you served the devil even though you didn’t know; you were a slave to sin, controlled by Satan and far from God. Your spirit was dead, so you did everything through your soulish realm. Coming to Jesus means your spirit man is re-energised or regenerated to express God entirely.
Throughout the life of Jesus, He kept teaching people about the Kingdom of God. The average Christian doesn’t have enough time to study the Bible. Sooner or later, you need to familiarise yourself with the Bible if you want to fulfil your purpose on the earth. “And He was teaching daily in the temple.” (Luke 19:47). Luke 21:37 says, “And in the daytime, He was teaching in the temple.” John 7:14 says, “Now about the middle of the feast Jesus went up into the temple and taught.” John 8:2, “Now early in the morning He came again into the temple, and all the people came to Him, and He sat down and taught them.” (Emp added). You will see this throughout the gospel. He was called a Rabbi for that reason. Even at the young age of 12, when He went “missing”, He was found in the house of God asking questions such that the rabbis were astonished. (Luke 2:41-48). By teaching the people, Jesus was also empowering them to walk in truth when He was not there.
The Bible is God’s love letter to you personally. It was not written for your pastor to read it to you on Sundays. Do you know that all your properties will be destroyed one day? Everything you have ever achieved on this earth will come to nothing. Solomon said all is vanity. (Eccl 1). The only thing that will endure for all eternity is your knowledge about God and His Word. Nothing else will matter; trust me on that.
When Jesus went to Heaven, He gave us the Holy Spirit so that He would do to us what Jesus did to His followers. The Spirit was not “discovered” by the Charismatic and the Pentecostals; He is for all of us. Some churches do not want to hear about Him except in reference to little prayer. Ending your prayer in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit doesn’t mean you are filled with the Spirit. During His earthly life, Jesus was very active preaching the GoodNews. We should be going the same.
“He made known His ways to Moses, His acts to the children of Israel.” (Ps 103:7; emp added). It wasn’t the plan of God to make His ways known to one person and His acts towards an entire nation. We are in a better position than Moses because we have more access to God than He did. We have moved from mount Sinai (the place of fear) to Mount Zion (an area of intimacy with God) [Heb 12:22]. Hallelujah! We are now under God’s grace and have the Spirit abiding in us! Moses had an intimate relationship with God, so he knew His ways. Years later, during the Lord’s Transfiguration, he and Elijah came to talk to Jesus because both knew the ways of God, and both could hear the voice of God. You and I can have a better relationship with God than Moses. Praise God!
In the Old Testament, there are two kinds of works. Your works are either good or bad, right or wrong, clean or unclean. In the New, we have good, bad and dead works. Dead works are works you do externally with an improper motive. For example, giving money to people on camera to promote your organisation is dead work. How many dead works have you done so far?
I will have to stop here but will encourage you to stop by at another time as I am working on updating this site with teachings and devotionals, so please visit soon. God bless you.
How To Live Forever
If you miss the Rapture
Look To Jesus
My Life Principles
How to Hear God

If you miss the Rapture
How To See In The Spirit
Habits of the Godly Christian